Friday, May 6, 2011

First year of College

My first few days in the college were a sorta okie… but then came the most s**kin part “RAGGING”.. how much I was scared L.. but I escaped for several days.. on the 2nd day I volunteer for being the class rep… (shit wy did I do that??? Its so much of pain in the a**, but ;-) I liked being in a post very much) so the next day MR.A walks upto me and says
MR.A: hi , wats ur name???
Me: said my name (wat the hell I am the class rep how dumb a guy is he not to know my name!!!)
MR.A: wats ur rank in AIEEE?
Me: (shit that’s not some thing to be told) I came thru TNPCEE…
Mr.A:oh okie that’s nice so wats ur rankin the so called entrance.??
Me: somewhere near 700.. wy??
MR.A: so where do u come from?
Me: from so an so place..
MR.A: thanks so much..
Me: its my pleasure (F*** get lst I am feeling very hungry and’ve 2 eat)

Then was so proud that I am becoming popular just coz of the rep post.. (least I knew then that it really made my life so irritating) so I went and told all my superb class girls(2 of them are seriously good friends of mine even now)

They told me “u have been fooled and u shudn’t give the intro to any1”.. I thought ok 1st lesson (actually big nose cut)… then we were eating in our wonderful class( the place where I get time to substantial sleep). Suddenly B (read mrs. Trendy) walks inside ( the b**ch of the college campus) starts raggin us(acc to her it might be.. but we were enjoyin it ) she asked my intro(read introduction) I started off with he traditional blah blah.. but I get a surprise it wasn’t me who was givin mine B was givin it herself.. phew so no ragging for me.. the others became her prey that day..

I landed up with a 8.2 thot “oh shit not even 9”( now I am in final year that was the best gpa I ever got.. life can be so mean to u at times)

Fine with the idea of scoring 9.8 we started off with the next episode.. thot of resigning the bloody rep post but was forced.. lots of work had to handle many b**t**ds.. is this life… then there was this love god(guess u can figure out) that ed thing seriously is a pain in the a$$.. love god took a dierent avatar of giving us repeats thru out.. that was one hell…
Then came those ragging monsters there were 4 hunks( of course I am being sarcastic) came near me( y me?? May be looked like one bakra ready for the offering) asked y intro. Before I could star off one a**ho**s ordered me to go to one of my year guys and propose..(shit I turned back as I couldn’t show any reaction) that guy hit me hard on my back(wtf I got furious..) but wat can u do?? Nothing but keep ur reactions intact.. no tears no happiness no anger in short a statue… then ragged me for another 10 min.. then left me off… is this college life.. even now I feel like I had lost a chance to hit that guy hard on his *****( don’t waste time figuring it out…)


To be continued…